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How to write a CV for Transport and Logistics

Transport & logisticsWriting a transport and logistics CV

Focus your professional profile

When writing your transport and logistics CV it is important to focus the CV towards the particular roles you are targeting. In the first line of your professional profile you should position yourself as [transport manager], [logistics analyst], [HGV driver] [insert as applicable]. Don’t try to be all things to all people. If you can, mirror the job title of the role being applied for to get maximum reader traction.

Key skills

Many roles within transport and logistics require a combination of technical and soft skills. Database, scheduling and statistical analysis tools can be important together with ability to lead and motivate a wide range of people – often remotely. Read the job description and person specification carefully and make sure you include the important terms within a ‘key skills’ section just after the professional profile. This will affirm your expertise to the reader and help your logistics CV pass through ATS systems.

What are ATS Systems?

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) work by analysing your CV against a specific job description. Many medium to large size employers use them – as do job boards. It is estimated they filter out about 70% of CVs before a human will read it. To help your CV pass through these filters it is important to take an individual approach to applying for jobs. Read the job description - and particularly the person specification - carefully and ensure you mirror the key skills and terms in your CV. Job descriptions can be written very differently so it’s important to tailor your logistics CV each time.


It is simply not enough to state a list of responsibilities in a CV. Copying and pasting a job description into a CV is rarely going to be enough to persuade the reader to call you to interview. They want to see evidence of you performing well. You need to show them. Cite specific examples of achievements and support these with facts and figures. Many jobs are about reducing time, optimising resources and ultimately cutting cost. All these things are measurable.

Write in clear, plain English

Your CV will need to be read by different audiences including HR and recruiters who may not have the same background as you. Don’t therefore rely on internal jargon or industry acronyms. This can look lazy and will contradict any self-assessment you have made about having ‘good communication skills.’ Write your transport and logistics CV in concise, plain English so anyone reading it can fully appreciate how good you are at what you do.

Keep your transport and logistics CV to two pages

And finally, keep your transport CV short. A two- page format is ideal. Long enough to whet the appetite of the reader but no too long as to bring on a little shut eye. Remember, less than 30 seconds is spent on average reading a CV. This should focus your mind.

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