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How to write an Account Manager CV


Writing an account manager CV

Roles in account management traverse a diverse range of industry sectors. For many, they provide an ideal career combining a balance in skills: from customer service through to business development, administration and strategy. When it comes to your CV, however, it’s not just about telling the reader what you do, it’s demonstrating how well you do it. Your achievements need to shine through.

Keep your CV short

A decision on calling you to interview will be made in less time than it takes you to read this article. Much of the time spent honing your CV will be wasted unless you have focused on keeping it to two pages. Use as few words as possible to keep the content punchy and concise.  Focus on the most years of your career and write less about historical jobs. It is unlikely you will be asked about things you did 10 or more years ago at interview so why include them in your CV?

Presentation and formatting

Over 50% of CVs contain spelling mistakes in them. When we have all these spell check and dictionary apps available to us it seems incredible that so many CVs still contain basic errors. The challenge is spell checks won’t pick up some irregularities and we become blind to mistakes in documents we have read over and over. The solution is easy: get someone else to proof-read your CV. First impressions count. Don’t give the reader an opportunity to say no through carelessness.

Use specific examples as achievements

Demonstrate your ability as an account manager through using specific examples. So, what does success look like? This could be through new business you have won and added to your portfolio. Or additional services and cross-selling to existing clients. Ensuring client service level agreements are adhered to and KPIs and goals achieved could also be important. Include facts and figures to give a sense of concreteness to your CV.

It’s worth explaining what your portfolio looks like so the reader can picture what you do. For instance, the number of clients and overall financial value. Do you manage a team? Special projects you’ve worked on with key clients could also be of interest too to any future employer – and the results and outcomes achieved.

Getting your CV through ATS

Applicant tracking systems (ATS) filter out as much as 70% of CVs before they are read by a human. They work by analysing key words and phrases in a CV against those of the job description and person specification. Job descriptions can be written in a million and one different ways. The answer is to tailor your CV for every job you apply for. Read the job description and person specification and mirror the key terms and phrases in your CV.


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