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Dot Tanzania Community Leadership Program 2021/2022

Dot Tanzania Community Leadership Program 2021/2022. DOT is a youth-led movement of daring social innovators and digital ambassadors who have the tools, knowledge, and networks to create opportunities and transform their own communities. We work with youth, the private sector, governments, and community-based organizations towards a collaborative vision of communities around the world shaped by daring social innovators.

Through the Community Leadership pillar of Daring to Shift, DOT supports young women and men to become leaders in their communities through real-world placements where they run skills development programs in their own communities. During the 12-month placement with DOT Tanzania, Community Leaders will support the implementation of the Digital Business pillar of DOT’s Daring to Shift project.

The Digital Business programme supports youth business owners with small and informal businesses to identify and leverage relevant technology to improve their business outcomes. The Digital Business Programme participants trained by Community Leaders develop competencies in ICT literacy, gender equality, entrepreneurship, and 21st-century skills with practical application to their business and their goals as business owners. They also develop connections to networks of peers, mentors, and business support organizations.

Eligibility Requirements Dot Tanzania Community Leadership Program 2021/2022

  • Applicants must be Tanzanian nationals, aged 21-34 years.
  • Applicants must be fully available for the duration of the placement period: 1st October 2021 to 30th September 2022.
  • Applicants must be academically trained and graduated at Certificate, Diploma or Bachelors’ level with the ability to use basic computer applications, competency in Digital Marketing, E-Commerce, Business, and Financial Management.
  • Applicants must be excellent communicators in English and Kiswahili, self-directed, analytical, motivated, and team players.
  • Applicants must own/have access to a fully functioning smartphone and laptop.
  • Applicants must have a Tanzanian Shillings bank account.
  • Applicants must have a National ID (NIDA) or a NIDA Number.

Please note that non-graduates, those still in academic training and currently full-time employed will not be considered. Women are strongly encouraged to apply.

Specifically, the selected Community Leader will be responsible for the following:

  • Training young community members who own small and informal businesses with digital skills to improve their business outcomes and achieve sustainable livelihoods.
  • Leading the coordination of events to connect programme participants in their communities with business support organizations.
  • Supporting in programme beneficiaries impact measurement efforts through data collection and case study development.
  • Engaging community members and other #DOTYouth to access digital learning platforms, including social media, for skills development and creating a safe space for young people to discuss pressing issues in their communities, such as gender equality.
  • Advocating for acknowledgment of the needs of young people, especially women in addressing the digital divide.

For the year 2021-2022  DOT Tanzania will recruit and select 50 Community Leaders, who will collectively train 6,250 community members. After being selected, Community Leaders will undertake a  comprehensive 6-Week Training of Trainers (ToT) programme, which will hone their training skills required for the Digital Business programme and execute other responsibilities.

Following the ToT, Community Leaders will recruit and onboard the Digital Business programme participants/learners from their communities and/or youth from DOT Tanzania partner programmes. During the learners’ engagement phase, Community Leaders, under the supervision of the Project Officer, will:

  • Conduct needs assessment to understand the needs of their learners.
  • Mobilize learners to enroll in the DOT Tanzania Digital Business programme, fully participate in the training sessions and complete their training curriculum.
  • Transfer the learning content to PowerPoint presentations for facilitation.
  • Facilitate all training sessions for the learners in their cohorts.
  • Assess progress, completion, and impact of the program’s modules.
  • Support the learners in completing the final project.
  • Support the programme participants in achieving their business objectives through coaching and mentoring approaches.
  • Support the programme participants to network and learn from peers.
  • Generate reports on the learner’s activities, progress, and general feedback.

The Community Leaders placement is for 12 months, commencing 1st October 2021. DOT Tanzania will support the Community Leaders with a monthly stipend, communication, and transport allowances throughout their placement period.

Based on what they learn throughout the duration of their placement and individual aspirations, DOT Tanzania will support Community Leaders in transitioning post-placement.

Timeline for recruitment, selection, and deployment of Community Leaders:

  • Call for Applications: 9th July to 31st July 2021
  • Selection Conference: 18th August to 19 August 2021.
  • Training of Trainers: 23rd August to 30th September  2021.
  • Placement start date: 1st October 2021.
  • Placement end date: 30th September 2022.

How to Apply Dot Tanzania Community Leadership Program 2021/2022

Click HERE to fill out the application form.

But before you do that, record a 1-minute video stating why you should be selected to become a DOT Tanzania Community Leader 2021/2022. Be creative. You will need to upload this video in the form.

If you face any challenges please send an email to:

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Dot Tanzania Community Leadership Program 2021/2022


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