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Teacher Job Opportunity at KAIZIREGE Secondary school

Kaizirege Boarding schools (KEMEBOS) are located in Bukoba town, the heart of Kagera region some 6 km from the town center of Bukoba Municipal. It is found in Ijuganyondo ward left hand side from the main road heading to Muleba or right hand side from the main road when you are heading to Bukoba town center. All three schools are located at the same place though each school has its own wide campus.

Through offering quality education and instilling sensible morals in young generation, KEMEBOS intends to have reasonable and self sustaining citizens as its products.
To its mission KEMEBOS Considers the following as its pillars:-
(i) Knowledge – By pursuing knowledge, pupils will know what should be done and what should be avoided.
(ii) Wisdom – Pupils will in future have the ability to make good decisions based on knowledge and experience.

(iii) Virtue – More importantly, the beneficiaries be endowed with such good qualities as honesty and loyalty to their nation

Teacher Job Opportunity at KAIZIREGE Secondary school
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