The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy is initially a product of Kivukoni College. In February, 1958 the National Conference of TANU which was held in Tabora passed a Resolution to establish a college for adults in the lines of Ruskin College in Oxford. The College was to be a tool for spreading understanding of social, political and economic problems facing underdeveloped countries such as Tanganyika among people who were likely to become leaders in newly independent country but who did not have qualifications necessary to enter educational institutions. The Adult College was formally established on 29th July, 1961 as a private company under Companies Ordinance (Cap 212).
The Institution was given the name Kivukoni College. While inaugurating Kivukoni College, Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere, the President of TANU and the Prime Minister of Tanganyika by then had this to say about the name of the College.
"The name of this College is significant. It is not just the question of the site being of crossing place physically. Tanganyika itself is at the crossing place now; on December 9th, we assume new and great responsibilities. We shall need a strong and able crew to affect a safe journey, and every student must become part of that crew. But first he/she has his/her own crossing to make; a crossing to wide understanding and to new opportunities for service". Regarding the adult college, Mwalimu said: Kivukoni College is not intended to be a College for an Elite, it is intended to make a contribution to the development of all the people.
Mwl. Julius Nyerere Memorial Scholarships
The Mwalimu Julius Nyerere Memorial Scholarship Fund announces Scholarships for the 2020/21 academic year. The Fund was established on 12th October 2009 in commemorating the great achievements of the Father of our Nation Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere. It is primarily dedicated for sponsoring top undergraduate female students to pursue Mathematics and Science studies in Tanzanian accredited universities with the aim of promoting the academic excellence of the students in respective fields. The Fund also sponsors male and female Tanzanians to pursue undergraduate studies in the fields of Mathematics, Science, Economics, Information Technology, Accounting and Finance. In addition, the Fund sponsors both male and female best Tanzanians, undergraduate students, to undertake Master’s Degree Programs in the afore-mentioned fields of study.
- The Scholarships are granted on academic merit and based on a rigorous selection process. Successful applicants are granted a full scholarship which covers all university direct cost (tuition fees etc.) and student direct costs (meal, accommodation, book and stationery allowance, field practical training, special faculty requirement, etc.) as specified in the respective institutions ‘costs structure including a laptop computer.
Application Deadline: 30th September 2020
For further application details, Open the attached PDF below.
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