- AMO school at KCMC started in 1976.
- Assistant Medical Officer is a 24 months full time in-service course.
- It enrolls candidates who have qualified as clinical officers and who have worked in the field for at least 3 years.
- The selection of the students is done by the Ministry of Health, Training Department. Candidates are selected from allover the country including Zanzibar. They all must sit and pass entrance examinations set by the Ministry of Health.
- The training here at KCMC has made the school very popular outside the country. We enroll foreign students from different countries i.e. Zambia, Malawi, Uganda, Lesotho, Cameroon, Burundi, Zaire etc.
- The AMO course combines both theoretical and clinical. The students rotate in the clinical departments of Medicine, Paediatrics, Surgery, Obs/Gyn and also in the sub-specialty departments of Anaesthesia, ENT, Ophthalmology,Dentistry,Dermatology,Pathology/Forensic
medicine, Radiology and Psychiatry. - Students do get bedside teaching, tutorials and general lectures.
- In their second year of training the students undergo 3 months intensive community medicine which include theory and fieldwork. During this period they visit health centers, dispensaries and villages. At the end of community block they submit field projects results and thereafter sit for community medicine examination. They also sit for exams at the end of each rotation then at the end of the course they sit for the final qualifying examinations.
School Fees:
Fees paid by government sponsored candidates is Tsh.800,000/= per 2 years, self-sponsored private candidates is Tsh.1,600,000/= per 2 years and foreign students is USD7790 per 2 years.
Kilimanjaro Christian Medical College
PO Box 2240, Moshi, Tanzania,East Africa.

Phone Contact:
+255 27 2754377-2753616

+255 27 2751351

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