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How to write a career break CV

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How to write a career break CV

If you are looking to get back into the workplace having taken some time out the prospect may seem daunting. Confidence may be low having been away from the rigmarole of office life and you may be uncertain about exactly the type of role that you would like to step back into. All of this impacts on how you approach writing your career break CV.

Plan before you write

It is important not to rush straight into writing a CV. Think first about the types of role that will suit your aspirations, lifestyle and situation. You could then prioritise these in terms of the likelihood and practicality of getting this type of work. This will then inform your approach to writing the CV. If you have identified two or three different career pathways then it makes sense to begin writing your CV to your first-priority type role. 

Choosing the right CV structure

There are essentially two types of CV structure. The most common style that people use is the reverse chronological format. This will typically start with a professional profile followed by a detailed career history starting with the most job first and work backwards in time. This works well for people currently in work and simply looking to move on or step up. However, if you have been out of work for a while this structure can draw attention to the lack of recent work experience.

The skills based CV format

A skills-based or functional CV can be a great format for those coming back from a career break. After your professional profile you can have an extended skills section aligned to the competencies/skills required. A little internet research will enable you to find the 4 or 5 skills most sought after for the types of roles you are applying for. Use these as your headings.

What to write for each skill

For each skill or competency that you choose you should write a brief summary of your expertise is this area. Then, and most importantly, provide 2 or 3 examples of how, where and when you have demonstrated this skill. You can draw on examples from throughout your career, although try to use the most recent ones if you can. Describe each example as an achievement and focus on the outcomes rather than just what you did. Include facts and figures to support.

Front-loading your career break CV with an extended skills section has two advantages. Firstly, it demonstrates right at the front of the document that you have the necessary skills required. Secondly, by having the career history further back, it reduces the impact of the dates of any break in the career.


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