The admission procedure requires:
i. All applicants to lodge their applications directly through institutions and channel all application queries to the respective institutions;
ii.Applicants to carefully read and understand the guidelines and admission requirements for programmes they anticipate to apply for, provided in this book and on the websites of individualinstitutions; iii.Applicants to ensure they have adequate information for the programmes and institutions of their choice, taking into account competition, one’s passes and career aspirations;
iv. Applicants to ensure that their names and index numbers used during application for admission match with those used during previousexaminations;
v. All applicants holding foreign qualifications to have their qualifications validated and equated by the respective regulatory bodies before submitting their applications for admissions as follows: a. The National Examinations Council of Tanzania in respect of certificates of secondary education and teacher education;and b. The National Council for Technical Education in respect of NTA level 6 qualifications. vi. Applicants to use the current Undergraduate Admission Guidebook available on TCU website: for appropriate and updated information on all approved programmes, their capacities and entryrequirements;
vii. Students to make adequate arrangements to meet the cost related to the programme being applied for; and viii. ONLY applicants who meet the minimum entry qualifications (as stated in Table 1 and 2) to apply for admission.
The following are the list of degree program for PCB combination according to TCU Guide Book 2020
- Bachelor of Architecture : principal passes in the following subjects; Advanced Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Geography or Fine Art at grade ‘D’ or above. In addition, applicant must have at least a Subsidiary pass in Advanced Mathematics at A-Level and a minimum of “D” grade in Physics at O-Level.
- Bachelor of Science in Interior Design: principal passes in the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Advanced Mathematics, Geography or Fine Art. In addition, an applicant must have at least a subsidiary pass in Advanced Mathematics at A-Level.
- Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture: principal passes in the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Advanced Mathematics, Geography or Fine Art. In addition,
- Bachelor of Science in Geomatics: principal passes in Advanced Mathematics and either Physics, Geography, Chemistry or Computer Science. In case the second principal level pass is not Physics, an applicant must have at least a subsidiary pass in Physics at A-Level.
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering : principal passes in the following subjects; Physics, Advanced Mathematics, Chemistry or Biology. If the two principal passes are not Advanced Mathematics and Physics, an applicant must have at least a subsidiary pass in Physics and Advanced Mathematics /Basic Applied Mathematics at A-Level.
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Management : principal passes in the following subjects; Physics, Advanced Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology or Geography. One of the two principal passes must be in Physics or Chemistry or Biology
- Bachelor of Science in Housing and Infrastructure Planning: principal passes in the following subjects: Geography, Economics, Advanced Mathematics, History, English Literature, Commerce, Accountancy, Physics, Biology or Chemistry. In addition, a candidate must have at least a subsidiary pass in Advanced Mathematics at A-Level or at least a ‘C’ grade in Mathematics and a “D” grade in English Language at O-Level.
- Bachelor of Science in Municipal and Industrial Services Engineering : Two principal passes in the following subjects; Physics, Advanced Mathematics, Chemistry or Biology.
- Bachelor of Science in Urban and Regional Planning :principal passes in the following subjects; Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Advanced Mathematics, Geography, Economics, Commerce or Accountancy. In addition, an applicant must have at a least a subsidiary pass in Advanced Mathematics at A-Level or at least “D” grade in Mathematics at O-Level.
- Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering: pprincipal passes in Advanced Mathematics and Physics. Those without at least a Subsidiary in Chemistry must have a Credit pass in Chemistry at O-Level.
- Bachelor of Science in Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing:principal passes in the following subjects: Advanced Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geography, Computer Science, Biology, Economics, or Agriculture. In addition, an applicant must have at least a subsidiary pass in Advanced Mathematics at A-Level or at least a ‘C’ grade at O-Level.
- Bachelor of Science in Quantity Surveying and Construction : Two principal passes in the following subjects; Advanced Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Economics or Accountancy. In addition, applicant must have at least a Subsidiary pass in Advanced Mathematics at A-Level
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Laboratory Science and Technology :principal passes in the following subjects; Physics, Advanced Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology or Geography. One of the two principal passes must be Physics or Chemistry or Biology. In addition, an applicant must have at least a Subsidiary pass in Advanced Mathematics and Physics at A-Level.
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Systems and Networks:principal passes in the following subjects: Advanced Mathematics, Physics, Geography, Biology, Chemistry, Economics or Computer Science. In addition, a candidate MUST have at least a Subsidiary pass in Advanced Mathematics at A-Level or a minimum of “C” grade in Basic Mathematics at O-Level.
- Bachelor Degree in Computer Science:principal passes in the following subjects: Physics, Advanced Mathematics, Geography, Biology, Economics or Chemistry.
- Bachelor Degree in Information Technology: principal passes in the following subjects: Physics, Advanced Mathematics, Geography, Biology, Chemistry, or Economics.
- Bachelor Degree in Information and Communication Technology:principal passes in the following subjects Advanced Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Commerce, Accountancy, Agriculture or Economics.
- Bachelor Degree in Accountancy:principal passes in Economics, Accountancy, Commerce, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography or Advanced Mathematics. An applicant must have a subsidiary pass in Advanced Mathematics/Basic Applied Mathematics at A- Level or a “D” grade at O-Level in Mathematics.
- Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering: principal passes in Physics and Mathematics.In addition, a subsidiary pass is required in Chemistry at A- Level with not less than four passes at O-Level
- Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering: principal passes in Physics and Mathematics.In addition, a subsidiary pass is required in Chemistry at A-Level with not less than four passes at O-Level.
- Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering: principal passes in Physics and Mathematics.In addition, a subsidiary pass is required in Chemistry at A-Level with not less than four passes at O-Level
- Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering : principal passes in Physics and Mathematics.In addition, a subsidiary pass is required in Chemistry at A-Level with not less than four passes at O-Level
- Bachelor Degree in Maritime Transport and Nautical Science: principal passes in Advanced Mathematics and either Physics, Geography or Chemistry; and at least four passes in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English at O-Level.
- Bachelor Degree in Marine Engineering Technology: principal passes in the following subjects: Advanced Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry and at least four passes in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English at O-Level.
- Bachelor of Science with Education :principal passes in the following subjects: Physics, Advanced Mathematics, Chemistry or Biology at a minimum of “D” grade.
- Bachelor of Technical Education in Electrical and Electronics Engineering:principal passes in Advanced Mathematics and Physics. If one of the principal passes is not either Advanced Mathematics or Physics an applicant have a principal pass in one of the following subjects: Chemistry, Geography and Biology
- Bachelor of Technical Education in Mechanical Engineering:principal passes in Advanced Mathematics and Physics at a minimum of “D” grade. Those without a Principal or subsidiary pass in Chemistry must have a minimum of “C” grade in Chemistry at O-Level.
- Bachelor of Technical Education in Civil Engineering: principal passes in Physics and Advanced Mathematics or Chemistry or Geography.
- Bachelor of Technology in Landscape Architecture: principal passes in Advanced Mathematics and Physics or Chemistry or Biology or Geography at a minimum of “D” grade.
- Bachelor of Education in Science : principal passes in the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Advanced Mathematics
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